I have been just dying to show off my other babies! These are my puppies! They are (Beginning from the top) sweet submissive Tess, she's a mutt and she's 2yrs old. Second, is my great big love, Sandy. She's a 9 yr old yellow lab. Next there is the talkative and howling Wilma. She's pure bred large dachsund! No miniture there...she's about 50 lbs! Wilma is 5. Oh and be still my heart...last but not least is the queen, the 10 lbs of biggest attitude I have ever seen, the "I'm bigger then everyone and you can't boss me around, moma's baby....introducing Elly May! Elly is 2 and very very spunky!
She is half chihuahua and half papillion mix. As you can see I very much love me dogs. The other 7 of my four legged children are cats. They are Kahlua, Mister, Alex, Connie, Jireh, Katy, and Nurell. I love them very much too but my dogs...oh my dogs! Easy to say, I'm a dog person. THERE I FINALLY ADMITTED IT! I love my cats too, really I do.
Today when I arrived home my dogs were as usual lined up against the fence waiting on me to come home. I love coming down the street and seeing those faces! Anyway, I was on the phone when I got home and as I was going through the fence, Sandy starts charging around the yard, Tess us jumping on me, Elly May is demanding to be picked up and carried and Wilma is howling her persistant hello at me! Needless to say, I have to put the phone down and let all of them tell me hello in there own special way before they will leave me alone! Sandy,who's not too needy just wants a pat on the head and a hello. Tess, who is very needy wants a kiss right away and I kid you not, the dog gives me a hug. Elly May launches herself into my arms at the entrance of the gate and kisses my face til we reach the front door where a howling Wilma takes over.
Playfully nipping my knees and ankles or skirt, til I acknowledge her. All of this happens no matter how many times I leave the house a day or how long I'm gone in between my trips and I love it! It may seem gross to others but I know no matter what is going on in my life, no matter grouchy, stressed, fat or terrible I feel those 4 are always tickled to death that I'm back and let me and everyone in the neighborhood know it! I sure wish I was actually the great person that they think I am!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
For those who have known me for any length of time you know that I love laughter! As much as I love to laugh myself, I love to hear others laugh! The Good Book says, " A merry heart doeth good" and then there's the age old saying, "laughter is the best medicine". Today was not my best day..still recovering from being ill it's a trial for me to try to rest and regain my strength so that I don't fall ill again. I'm a worker bee, I need to be busy! It's who I am, not that I can't slow down and smell the roses but I'm a keeper of the home and I have a lot to do. Anyway, so as I bummed my day away on the couch, again, I found myself losing my joy. Then six o'clock came around and my love came home from work. He 's typically a pretty jolly guy anyway but today he was just one happy dude! He was playfully picking at the girls and just cracking himself up. Watching him made me laugh, which isn't pretty right now. I have a serious cough so it comes out like a bark and is followed by some pretty terrible coughing! But I laughed and laughed and he laughed and the kids laughed! Now he's on the phone with his only sister and he is just cracking up....ahhh what a sweet sound! It's like music! I'm serious....I love the sound of laughter! Best thing of all, we are made in the image of God so that means that God has got to have big ole belly laughs....and that my friends, is one laugh that I just can't wait to hear!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Oh No, Not Again!
Well....I was just joking when I said I was well! I'm sick again! I can't believe it! My love says its because I rushed right back into life as soon as my fever was gone and didn't recover slowly...so I'll try again! Into the bed I go....
Sunday, February 20, 2011
My Family and The Duggars
Finally, a healthy hello to all of you! We are finally well around the LaSalle household....well looking like my sweet hubby may be catching the tail end of this sickness but I'm praying against it! I have been wanting to write about this for some time but haven't really been sure how to...but this weeks illness has given me the perfect opportunity! A few months ago I bought a People magazine strictly because they did a feature on The Duggar Family, whom I happen to admire greatly! In this article there was mention of the older kids not getting to live their lives because of having to take care of the younger sibling and helping out...the father, Jim Bob, is quoted saying that the children are taught to help out and look out for the family and in return will one day be great citizens for knowing how to live so unselfishly. Well, this week both of my girls were sick and just about the time my oldest was getting better I got really ill. As I was burning up with fever and coughing my lungs out I could hear my sweet Kimberly taking care of her still very ill little sister. I thought about that article that I had read about the Duggars and how they pull together to get done what needs to be done and I was thankful that Kim doesn't think that I should leave her alone because she has her own life to live. She stepped up to the plate and began running the home and taking care of me and her sister because that is what is what a family does. It doesn't matter if there is 20 of you or only 4. The above picture of my family minus my 2 other brothers...I can tell you none of us would think twice about taking care of each other, that again, is what you do when you are a family. So Jim Bob and Michelle, this little family supports your big family! My girls, pick up right where mom left off as soon as needed or they do the work right along beside me!
Joyfully and finally healthy,
Joyfully and finally healthy,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sick babies and unexpected blessings!
Hello dear friends,
I'm sitting down for the first time today! It's hard work when the children are sick! My poor angels are suffering away on the couch and I'm in the kitchen trying to catch up on a million different things all the while watching my little ones with an eagle eye. I know their every deep breath, every time they role over, I think I can even detect when the fever is going again. I wait and watch them anticipating their needs and praying for their healing. It's time like this when I'm amazed at my Creator. My Father watches over me just as I'm watching over my girls! He knows my every move, my every breath, my every sigh......Lord I'm amazed by you, how you love me! We can't ever say that we don't have a parental example...God's the BEST one yet!
I'm sitting down for the first time today! It's hard work when the children are sick! My poor angels are suffering away on the couch and I'm in the kitchen trying to catch up on a million different things all the while watching my little ones with an eagle eye. I know their every deep breath, every time they role over, I think I can even detect when the fever is going again. I wait and watch them anticipating their needs and praying for their healing. It's time like this when I'm amazed at my Creator. My Father watches over me just as I'm watching over my girls! He knows my every move, my every breath, my every sigh......Lord I'm amazed by you, how you love me! We can't ever say that we don't have a parental example...God's the BEST one yet!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Blessed day!
Hello there! I can't believe it has been a week since I have sat down to blog! I was telling my oldest today that it feels like I have been running a marathon for the last three weeks and I'm just plain worn out! Not only have these weeks been physically draining but emotionally draining and those two together make for a rough time! Don't get me wrong, I'm blessed and know it...but there has been some fires as of late. Small fires but that burn nevertheless! I can say though, if we keep our eyes on Jesus and stay by His side and depend on His strength then the lessons that come from having been in the fire are worth learning! Remember the fire only leaves behind whatever is of worth! Thanks for the reminders of JJ Heller's wonderful song!~
Anyway, the four of us had a great day. First off we didn't go to church which is highly unusal for us but we needed this time together and it's rare that my hard working hubby gets to do something he really wants to do. So today we set out for the RV show and it was so much fun! There are so many different options and it was fun to wish and dream with my family. It was also fun and exciting because I realized that owning an RV is a feasible dream and that we may not have to wait "a million" years to get one! We actually have a 10 year plan in place! In 10 short years we are going to find ourselves traveling the country in our RV! No more hotels, yay!
Second awesome thing of the day...I got new furniture! But wait, you have to hear the blessing behind it! My sister in laws friend was selling her furniture online and hadn't had much lunch. So she mentioned it to my hubby and he showed me pictures online and I loved it! It's southwestern style with a solid oak frame! It's beautiful! So get this, we got a three cushion couch, a two cushion love seat, a huge chair and a matching oak table for $300!!! It looks brand new! I'm just excited to get to decorate with it tomorrow!
I pray your day was as blessed as my ones and I pray that this week the Lord will bless you as your begin your week as a woman of God!
Anyway, the four of us had a great day. First off we didn't go to church which is highly unusal for us but we needed this time together and it's rare that my hard working hubby gets to do something he really wants to do. So today we set out for the RV show and it was so much fun! There are so many different options and it was fun to wish and dream with my family. It was also fun and exciting because I realized that owning an RV is a feasible dream and that we may not have to wait "a million" years to get one! We actually have a 10 year plan in place! In 10 short years we are going to find ourselves traveling the country in our RV! No more hotels, yay!
Second awesome thing of the day...I got new furniture! But wait, you have to hear the blessing behind it! My sister in laws friend was selling her furniture online and hadn't had much lunch. So she mentioned it to my hubby and he showed me pictures online and I loved it! It's southwestern style with a solid oak frame! It's beautiful! So get this, we got a three cushion couch, a two cushion love seat, a huge chair and a matching oak table for $300!!! It looks brand new! I'm just excited to get to decorate with it tomorrow!
I pray your day was as blessed as my ones and I pray that this week the Lord will bless you as your begin your week as a woman of God!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Keeping your word
What a disappointment....! I really want to just throw my hands up in the air, stomp my feet and just have a fit! But if I do that then I won't be keeping my promise to God. What to do..... Before we pray for something we should seriously evaluate if we truly mean "only if it's Your will"....because usually that little saying will come back to bite you! Do we as Christians truly mean "only if it's Your will" or is that just a flowery statement that we attach to the end of a "want" prayer to make it sound "all holy"? Remember when you were a child and you really wanted something from your parents, what kind of promises did you make to make your appeal sound even better? Or what did we promise to do regardless of the response we got? Hmmm, things like, "I'll never ask for anything else again, or I promise I'll keep my room clean." Those are just a few of the hundreds I'm sure are out there! That's similar to what we do when we petition God for something we want and need. Problem is, if it is just a flowery response attached to the end of our prayer than we fail when the answer is "No" and we pitch a fit. When we pray for God's soveriegn will then we should make ever effort to except His response when it is given. We should be true to our word...When we say "only if it's Your will", we should behave in a manner that supports that statement. In our hearts we should rest and believe that God has what it best for us. Sure, we get excited when the answer is yes but what if we got equally excited when the answer is no because our loving Father has something better in store for us. Having said all that dear friends, I'm trying desperately to practice what I just preached to you! I love God, I believe God, and I prayed for His will and I meant it when I prayed it....so I'm going to mean it now....even though the answer was no.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Why blog?
Why blog? That is a question that I have been asking myself for quite awhile now. I have decided to have a blog because I want to inspire woman in their walk with God in the same way that I have been inspired. As you visit my blog I hope that you will find rest and encouragement as we travel down what is sometimes a lonely road in honoring God in the way we as women have been called to. Here's a little peek into the life behind this blogger....
I'm Kathy, a perfectly made lady that is totally imperfect. I'm a house diva (also known as a homemaker) but I just love that name! I'm the wife to a hard working police officer that loves me even though I can be quite quirky at times! This man is a God loving man who leads our family with absolute faith in God.
I'm moma to Kim. My lovely 17yr old...who is going to be my first homeschool graduate come May!
I'm also moma to a bright, beautiful, opinionated 9yr old names Danae. She doing 3rd grade work.
Let's see....what would I think that you would like to know.....I desperately like to organize but can't seem to stay that way. I love to cook, especially wholesome healthy meals. I'm a skirt or dress wearer only, though my girls do not...more on that later. I'm passionate about animals....homeless ones to be more exact and I have a house full of them and that's the way I'm happiest! I have a real weakness for reading....especially amish fiction! I love simple living...I really wish I had a farm and could be totally self sufficient but that isn't God's plan, at least not yet. To finish up I would like to tell you about my passionate relationship with Jesus! I have been saved a long time but I have been a deep personal relationship with Jesus the last 10 yrs! It is amazing! I'm totally in love with my Savior! My redeemer, my groom that is coming for me!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
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