Monday, March 7, 2011

A peek into my week


Psst....can you here it? Me either....I'm all alone! My Kimberly is off to work and my sweet Danae and my dashing David are off to the park with a picinic lunch for a Daddy Daughter day! And I, my friends, are gloriously alone....well my four legged critters are here but that's quite alright with me. So what's been going on? Everybody good? It's been crazy around here....I think that's what I always say...but you know what? It's always true . This is a crazy busy time in my life and I can either learn to love it or drive myself and my family insane! Anyway... I thought I'd give you some insight on my week starting with right now....

Now: I'm still wearing my Pj's....don't judge me, hear me out first! :-) Saturday we helped some dear friends of our's move and then came home and packed some of our own things, because, yes, we are moving too! Yay! Sunday, we went to church, grocery shopped, ate lunch out and then I gave my testimony to my daughter's youth group that evening! What an emotional mess that was! It was awesome, but very emotional! So that leads to why I'm still in my Pj's this Monday morning. I slept til 10:30 and I just haven't gotten started yet! I was plumb worn out! I needed to rest and just relax...hence the pj wearing! Relax, after I post I'm gonna take a shower and hang some clothes out to dry! Geez... hard crowd 'round here! I have spent some quality time with my dachsund this morning. Which is rare because if one gets attention then all of them want it! But my other 3 dogs were outside and Wilma and I found ourselves blissfully alone on the couch together so I spent some time lavishing some much needed love on her! I see I'm rambling a lot today. Stay with me....

Monday: Tonight I'm making tator tot casserole and jello and some sort of bread. I have to accompolish laundry and getting the kitchen packed. I have a friend coming by to chat and pray at 4: 45 and then Danae has dance at 5:30. But my sweety has already told me that he will take her! Praise the Lord!

Tuesday: Sloppy Joes for dinner. Dance at 7:30, Kim works and I need to do more packing.

Wednesday: Grillled chicken salads. Kim works and we have church.

Thursday: Ladies Bible study. Kim works. No evening activities so we can have family time and ahh just breathe!

Friday: Kim works....packing again and more! Friday evening...not sure yet.

Saturday: don't know yet.

Sunday: church and then off to spend two glorious restful days at our resort!!!!

Extras: I NEED TO SEE JAMIE!!!! Hey ,Simply His Home, let me know when we can make this happen ok! Also, I need to see my friends new baby girl!

What I'm praying about right now: A broken relationship in my extended family. A friend that has stage 4 cancer and her family. The fact that my oldest wants to be a medical missionary. How to best aim my youngest in the right direction. And always....covering my man in prayer!

What I'm reading: For leisure- Texas Dreams
                                 For education- The Strong Willed Child
                                 For encouragement- Passionate Housewives Desperate for God


Blessed week to you and yours!
Joyfully ( means full of joy!)


  1. Hi My Dear Sweet Kathy! I need to see you too! Our chats are always so encouraging!:-) I'm not sure yet when we can make it happen. I'll try to figure it out!:-) Love your post!
    Abundantly Blessed
    simply His home aka. Jamie:-)

  2. Where are you moving to?!? That's so exciting! Wish we were... :(
