Friday, March 11, 2011


This is pre bangs and just a fun picture. We were bowling!

OH MY GOODNESS.....GUESS WHAT?!! I GOT BANGS! Now you have to understand why this is soooo monumental for me. When the Lord started me on my road to modesty it first began with my clothes...out went the pants and in came the skirts and dresses. As time went on the dresses/skirts got longer and longer. Now I typically only wear calf , ankle or floor length skirts....I do have one white skirt that belongs to my sister that I have an obession over and it's below my knees. But it's right there...some days I'm comfortable in it some days I'm not. As the skirts got longer my necklines got higher and my sleeves got longer. Not cleavage is exceptable to me, ever. I don't even show at home. I'm a witness to my girls about modestly as well as the world. Ok, moving the Lord moved onto my hair. Being the sassy young thang I used to be I have short spiky hair. My friend Jamie loves to say, " I don't think I would have been friends with that Kathy." Hahha! It was really was cute and very very fun but with sassy hair comes a sassy attitude. For all you skeptics out there...what you wear on your head and your body truly does affect you behavior. So the Lord led me to grow it out...which pleased my darling to no end! Last but not least went the makeup. I do wear alittle on my face when having a bad face day but I don't wear any makeup on my eyes. I figure God led me there for a couple of reasons. 
1. He didn't make me with it on.
2. He has been teaching me to not draw attention to myself.
3. I couldn't leave the house without "my face on" and it shouldn't control.
4. Best hubby hates makeup and I didn't even know it!
Anyway, eventually I came to a point where I wasn't sure that I believed in cutting my hair at all..period. For 3 years no scissors touched my hair. Well once I asked my Kim to trim it and I absolutely freaked out. So I had had no hair cut in 3 years. My hair has gotten really long during this time. Well about I had been studying that 1 Corinthians verse quite deeply and even covering some of the time when I kinda decided that I think that my long is covering enough. All of that being said, I went and had a light trim and some really long layers put in it. I loved it! About a week ago I gave my oldest a haircut and cut her some long really deep in the part bangs and she looks so beautiful. So womanly and soft around the face! So since then I have had BANG ENVY! My darling told me tonight, " Just do it if you want too." So I did! And I really like them! It gave me volume around my face and it just added alittle kick. Soft and womanly! I'll post a picture as soon as I get one! I just need to throw this in...I love my kids! Both of them! We went shoppiong for a wedding that is coming up tonight and it was such a blast! Such a refreshing, lots of laughing, sweet time together~!


1 comment:

  1. LOL! Girl, you are BRAVE!!! LOL! ;D I bet they look great! I think people who may read this who aren't very modest won't get it, but if you've been living a modest lifestyle like we have...bangs are HUGE! :) Can't wait to see how great they look! :D--S
