Monday, March 12, 2012

Deciding to Rejoice

Oh my heck! This has been a bad Monday. One that I need a rewind buttom for. A let's go to bed by 12 noon and forget that today ever happened!
BUT, I am choosing to count my blessings instead of my sorrows. This isn't an easy decision as it is far more desireous to whine, thank you very much flesh! But I am an overcomer in Christ and I'm dying to my flesh and choosing to enter into His gates with Praising! ENTER:

I'm Blessed....
Jesus Christ saved me
He bought me at a costly price
He has never forsaken
Jesus has never abandoned me
He has forgiven me
He has taken me back
He has rescued me
He has changes me
He has set me free
Jesus unshackled me
He has danced the dance of a lover with me
He sings over me
He listens to me
Jesus prays for me
(We could seriously be on how great Jesus is forever)
I have an amazing husband
He accepts me
Provides for me
Protects me
Loves me
Plays with me
Laughs at my jokes
Is very handsome
Works hard for our family
Works extra so that I can stay at home
He forgives me
(We could have a love fest for days here too :) )
I have two incredible daughters
They love the Lord
They love me
They love spending time with me
They help me bear my burdens
My kids love the Lord
They are living for the Lord
They apologize and let me apologize
They forgive me
They are fun
I get to homeschool
I live in America
I'm free
I have an awesome church
Have an awesome Pastor and his wife is awesome too
I have a home, a pretty home
I have 4 great dogs
I have a great cat and her 5 babies
I have a fenced in backyard
I have a car
I have food
I have lights
I have running clean water
I can shower every day
I have clothes
I have an awesome mom, dad, brothers, and sister
Oooo I have a cool fish tank
I have the internet
I have a blog
I have amazing friends, especially my Bestie

I could actually go on and on and on but I have accompolished what I set out to do... I am extremly blessed and my blessings far out way my sorrows! That is such a relief! Thank you Jesus for all that You have allowed me to have and have trusted me with!
