Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blessings and greetings to you all!

I am acutally sitting down...only because my oldest is at driver's ed and it's too far to go back so my little one and I are hanging out at the library. Seems like forever since I have been on this little corner of the web...so much has been going on! Namely, we got all settled into our new house, my Kimberly has graduated from high school, had a huge surprise party, enrolled in college, began driver's ed, and is now starting to work full time. Whew! My little Danae is a busy bee as well. Actually her life has settled down for a bit and she along for the ride most of the time. Poor thing...begs me to stay home for a day! I don't know why it's called being a stay at home mom...I'M NEVER HOME! That's ok though..one day when my girls have a life apart from me I'll be begging for someone to yell "mom" across the house or to need me to take them some where! Danae has vacation Bible school this week and that has been a whole lot of fun! She has had her dance recital so we are on a break from dance right now! That's alittle more money in the bank and a bit more free time during the week! My hunny is happy and healthy and working hard as usual! I don't really have much to blog about that would be of interest...so I'm going to leave you with these few thoughts....
1. I have realized and accepted and even begun to enjoy the hectiness of my life at the present time. One day things will settle down again but for now I'm choosing to enjoy toting my kids around from place to place, lying down exhausted at night, and cherishing our moments together at home. I choose joy!
2. God is creating in me a passion for lost and hurting people. I have been praying for discernment...I want to see people...really see them. He is showing me...it amazes me what I see in others and feel for them when I look at them with Jesus eyes!

I pray all of you are well and that life is so full of Jesus you are going to bust!


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