Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fast food, paper plates, card board boxes...Yup, we have moved!

Hello dear's been awhile! Things have been super crazy around here. I'm exhausted even now but I wanted to write a short post to let you know what has been going on 'round here. As the above pictures show...we finally moved! And boy was it crazy!

We have eaten more fast food than I ever care to in my life again! And more! Please!

Please, can someone find my glass dishes! I'm not loving the paper place settings any more! If you can even say, "place settings" as we have been eating sitting on the floor or standing up!

My friends and my family have been an amazing help throughout all of this! I don't know what I would do without them! We had friends help us finish packing and move and then my sweet family came over and helped clean the old house and mow the yard!

During all this craziness we have had 4 nights of awesome revival at our church! Bill Stafford is an amazing man of God! Let's have church every day of the week!

This is pretty much how we look at the end of each and every day lately! EXHAUSTED AND FALLING DOWN WHERE EVER WE CAN FIND TO LAY OUR WEARY HEADS!

My sweet, precious friend from Simply His Home has been a wonderful help to me! Has been here at the new house often and has been lending a helping hand where ever needed! Today she took me on a wonderful outing! We had Chick Fil A for lunch, she got me an amazing Paula Deen Candle for my new house and blessed my family with some very much needed groceries! I got to tell you, this is an amazing family and we are so blessed that they are in our lives! Love you Jamie!

Last, but certainly not least..I'm praising God for the new beginnings that He is giving us! What a faithful, awesome, generous God we serve! I'm also thanking Him as always for my amazing family! It would all be for naught if it wasn't for them! Goodnight all! More when I can find a minute to sit down for a spell....

Til then......,

1 comment:

  1. Ah Kathy, I love you's not me but God! :-) I do however love that He has chosen to work through me to bless you! I love to spend time with you and your girls! What a blessing you all are! :-)
