Thursday, February 24, 2011

Love me, Love my pets!

 I have been just dying to show off my other babies! These are my puppies! They are (Beginning from the top) sweet submissive Tess, she's a mutt and she's 2yrs old. Second, is my great big love, Sandy. She's a 9 yr old yellow lab. Next there is the talkative and howling Wilma. She's pure bred large dachsund! No miniture there...she's about 50 lbs! Wilma is 5. Oh and be still my heart...last but not least is the queen, the 10 lbs of biggest attitude I have ever seen, the "I'm bigger then everyone and you can't boss me around, moma's baby....introducing Elly May! Elly is 2 and very very spunky!
 She is half chihuahua and half papillion mix. As you can see I very much love me dogs. The other 7 of my four legged children are cats. They are Kahlua, Mister, Alex, Connie, Jireh, Katy, and Nurell. I love them very much too but my dogs...oh my dogs! Easy to say, I'm a dog person. THERE I FINALLY ADMITTED IT! I love my cats too, really I do.
 Today when I arrived home my dogs were as usual lined up against the fence waiting on me to come home. I love coming down the street and seeing those faces! Anyway, I was on the phone when I got home and as I was going through the fence, Sandy starts charging around the yard, Tess us jumping on me, Elly May is demanding to be picked up and carried and Wilma is howling her persistant hello at me! Needless to say, I have to put the phone down and let all of them tell me hello in there own special way before they will leave me alone! Sandy,who's not too needy just wants a pat on the head and a hello. Tess, who is very needy wants a kiss right away and I kid you not, the dog gives me a hug. Elly May launches herself into my arms at the entrance of the gate and kisses my face til we reach the front door where a howling Wilma takes over.
Playfully nipping my knees and ankles or skirt, til I acknowledge her. All of this happens no matter how many times I leave the house a day or how long I'm gone in between my trips and I love it! It may seem gross to others but I know no matter what is going on in my life, no matter grouchy, stressed, fat or terrible I feel those 4 are always tickled to death that I'm back and let me and everyone in the neighborhood know it! I sure wish I was actually the great person that they think I am!



  1. Oh the puppies...indeed they do love you. And I may have to admit that they're growing on me as well...

  2. You are as great of a person as they think you are! :-) Love you
